Therapeutic Fibbing: When the Truth Can Hurt
February 11 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Presented by: Patty Piechocki, CTRS, QMCP – Manager of Programming & Continuing Education – Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern Indiana
Honesty is NOT always the best policy when caring for a loved one living with dementia. Forcing someone with dementia to join our reality can cause increased confusion, pain, anxiety, and fear. This session will discuss when to use therapeutic fibbing, and suggestions on when to use it as a way to reduce emotional distress for your loved one. Light appetizers and drinks will be served.
RSVP by February 10th with the form below, or call (574) 247-1866
Event Date
February 11, 2025
Start Time
4:00 pm
End Time
5:00 pm