Important Things to Look for in a Memory Care Assisted Living Community

Counseling Assisted LivingAlzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are progressive in nature. Therefore, an individual’s symptoms will become more pronounced and increasingly evident over time. Although the disease can progress at different rates among people, the continued decline in one’s mental and physical capabilities is inevitable and irreversible. While extensive research continues toward solving the mystery of Alzheimer’s disease, there is currently no known cure.

Considering What’s Best for Your Loved One’s Well-being

Ms. Shellie Kermin, Community Relations Director of North Woods Village at Edison Lakes, says, “Due to the progressive effects of the disease, loved ones will eventually need more care and support than can be provided appropriately in the home setting. At that point, caregivers are faced with making difficult and often highly emotional decisions as to how to ensure the best care for their loved ones.”

“The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Center states that during the middle stages of Alzheimer’s, it becomes necessary to provide 24-hour supervision to keep the person with dementia safe. As the disease progresses into the late-stages, round-the-clock care requirements become more intensive. Making the decision to move your loved one to a memory care assisted living community may be difficult, but it is not always possible to continue providing the level of care and supervision needed at home. Ultimately, it is about what is best for our loved ones and making choices that are in the best interests of their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Despite sometimes feeling an initial sense of guilt, many caregivers find that making the difficult decisions about their loved one’s care provides a welcome sense of relief.”

Tips for Choosing the Right Residential Memory Care Community for Your Loved One

Today, memory care assisted living communities can be an ideal solution for loved ones who require a substantial amount of care and supervision. However, it is important to do the appropriate research to assure that you select the community with which you are most comfortable. There are several important factors to consider in making a decision, such as programs and services, social opportunities, wellness, ambiance and physical environment, specialized training of staff, attitudes towards family visits and the types of treatment residents receive.

To help you conduct a thorough evaluation, The article, “Memory Care Checklist: What to Look For” and The Alzheimer’s Association’s “Care Facility Checklist” provide useful guidelines to help you make the right decision for your loved one – and for you.

Examples of the key considerations include:

  • Programs and Services – Are there appropriate health and behavioral care services, regular planned activities and recurring care planning sessions? Is there a focus on resident engagement?
  • Environment – Do the residents appear well cared for? Are resident rooms and common areas spacious, safe and clean? Is there a family visiting area and can residents bring favorite items with them?
  • Staffing – Do staff members have the proper tools, training and perspective to care for the special needs of those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of memory loss? Is privacy, respect and dignity a clear priority?
  • Meals – Is the food nutritious and appetizing and are there regular meal and snack times? Are family members and friends welcome to dine with their loved ones?
  • Family Involvement – Are you encouraged to be part of your loved one’s life and care planning, as well as to communicate as often as needed with staff?
  • Policies and Procedures – Can families participate in their loved ones care and activities? Are visiting hoursfamily friendly?

Taking some time to evaluate the options is well worth the effort. You’ll find that the leading memory care assisted living communities offer a wide range of treatments, services and amenities that address your loved one’s mental, physical and emotional needs through best-practice care, a philosophy of respect and dignity, as well as social engagement activities that stimulate the mind. Knowing that your loved one is being cared for in the best possible environment can provide you with a well-deserved sense of peace of mind and confidence.

Help Is Available for Caregivers

Today, a variety of resources is available to assist caregivers who are caring for their loved ones at home, including Alzheimer’s Association services, support groups, self-help guides, Respite Care services, in-home support, community-based services and educational programs. Progressive residential Memory Care Communities (MCCs), such as North Woods Village at Edison Lakes, offer a variety of educational programs, support and special events designed to help family caregivers.

Guiding. Caring. Inspiring.

For caregivers who recognize that the needs of their loved one are beyond what they can safely and appropriately provide in the home environment, leading, residential Memory Care Assisted Living Communities (MCALs), such as North Woods Village and its “NEW DIRECTIONS”(R)  program, provide the full continuum of services that have been shown to improve health and well-being, support brain health and delay the progression of memory loss from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

At North Woods Village, we believe senior adults thrive in an environment that offers an active, vibrant lifestyle with a variety of activities that engage the mind, body and spirit. Our “NEW DIRECTIONS”(R)  provides a safe, professional environment and proven, best-practice programs and services specifically designed to address the total physical, emotional and social needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia or other serious form of memory impairment.

For more information and helpful resources, contact us today!